Add a private message, if required, and verify all the details associated with the recipient, then click Add Recipient.Toggle on the Authentication code, if required, and select the desired mode from the dropdown below.If you choose IN-PERSON SIGN, enter the host's name and email address below the recipient details. Choose the necessary recipient action from the Action dropdown.Enter the recipient name and email address.Select the attachments that need to be sent for signatures, then click Send for Signature.Open the email containing the attachments that need to be sent for signatures.Steps to send documents for signatures using the add-in: Upon logging in, get started by opening an email with attachments.You may then choose to proceed by clicking CONTINUE or use a different account by clicking Logout and use another account. If you are already logged in to your Zoho Sign account on the browser, it will display the information of the account you are logged in to.Enter or create your Zoho credentials in the subsequent pop-up to sign in to your Zoho account. To create a Zoho account, click CREATE ACCOUNT. A collapsible add-in pane will appear on the right and prompt you to log in to your Zoho Sign account.If the add-in is not pinned to the top of your emails, click the More actions dropdown and select Zoho Sign for Outlook. If the add-in is pinned to the top of your emails, click the Zoho Sign icon next to the action buttons.Steps to access the Zoho Sign add-in in Outlook: You may choose to keep it pinned to the top of your emails for easier access. The add-in will now be added to your mailbox and ready for use. Click Continue in the subsequent dialog box to agree to the terms of use and proceed.Select the app from the dropdown and click Add.Select the search bar and type in ' Zoho Sign for Outlook'.Scroll to the bottom and click Get Add-ins.Open any email and click the More actions dropdown.Steps to add the Zoho Sign add-in to Outlook: Outlook add-ins cannot be accessed in personal accounts.Valid Outlook account via Microsoft Exchange or Office 365.Once added, the add-in is available for use inside the Outlook app across all supported platforms-web, iOS, iPad OS, and Android. This add-in can be added to your Outlook mailbox from Microsoft AppSource, and accessed by users by toggling the collapsible add-in side pane when viewing email. This add-in enables users to add their email attachments to Zoho Sign, and quickly sign them or send them out for signatures to create legally binding business documents. Zoho Sign now integrates with Microsoft Outlook, offering an add-in that allows users to sign documents or set up e-sign workflows to collect signatures and approvals on paperwork directly from their inbox.